From 29 June to 4 July next year in 2020, almost 500 delegates from the global network of Jesuit schools are expected to fly to Indonesia’s cultural capital, the ancient city of Jogjakarta, for the II Colloquium JESEDU-Jogja2020. The international colloquium is only the second of its kind, to be held eight years later after the very first International Colloquium of Jesuit Secondary Schools held in Boston College from July 29 to August 2 of 2012.

The theme of that first colloquium was “The World Is Our House.” Eight years later, in light of the 36th General Congregation and the recently announced Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus, the theme of II Colloquium JESEDU-Jogja2020 is:


DEPTH is one of the frontiers in education identified by our former Fr General Adolfo Nicolas, who has described the world as beset with the “globalization of superficiality.” Depth is about DISCERNMENT, which is increasingly crucial today, as Pope Francis and the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP’s) remind us.

As clarified by GC36, we are companions sent on “a mission of reconciliation and justice.” RECONCILIATION has three dimensions: reconciliation with one another, with God and with creation and we need to work on all three dimensions. The UAPs reinforce and give urgency to the theme of Reconciliation.

The theme of our colloquium is yet another way of articulating the mission of Jesuit schools today, capturing not only the heart of GC36, but also setting initial directions for how our schools can give emphasis to the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus while continuing to engaged with the JESEDU-Rio2017 Action Statement. We see the UAPs as enriching and challenging the continuous process of discernment encouraged by the first cycle of global gatherings (ICJSE-Boston, 2012; SIPEI-Manresa, 2014; and JESEDU-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, 2017) and the new cycle that now begins with JESEDU-Jogja2020.

Given our schools’ mission to the youth, the proposed theme – “Educating for Depth and Reconciliation,”  will provide the focus areas by which our global network of schools can explore concrete ways to practically engage with and promote the JESEDU-Rio Action Statement and the four Universal Apostolic Preferences that emerged from the worldwide discernment of the Universal Society and approved by Pope Francis: To show the way to God through Discernment (Depth), Walking with the Excluded and Healing our Common Home (Reconciliation), with special attention to Accompanying the Youth.

Indonesia is the host for this 2020 event, and the venue will be at the Jesuit Sanata Dharma University in Jogjakarta. The colloquium is designed especially for school heads and leadership teams of Jesuit schools. Registration fee is US$425 (excluding accommodations and optional tour to Borobudur Temple).

More details will be announced in due time. Meanwhile, here is an OVERVIEW of the program:

June 29 (Monday)

Registration from 8 am to 4 pm at the venue.
Opening Eucharist at 5 pm
Welcome Program and Dinner (following the Mass)

June 30 (Tuesday)

“Educating for Depth”

Keynote Speakers: Fr. ELIAS LOPEZ SJ PhD (Universidad de Comillas – Madrid) and Mr. SYAFII MAARIF (Muslim intellectual, Ramon Magsaysay Awardee)

How do we educate for depth today? How do we define ‘depth’ in the context of our mission of Reconciliation and Justice?

July 1 (Wednesday)

“Educating for Reconciliation”

Keynote Speaker: Ms. CAROLINA GOTTARDO (Jesuit Refugee Service, Australia)

How do we educate for reconciliation today? What does ‘reconciliation’ mean in the context of our mission today?

Panel Discussion with the Curia Secretaries

Dinner at St. John de Britto High School

July 2 (Thursday)

“Educating for Faith”

Pilgrimage to Ganjuran (Catholic Shrine), to Prambanan Temple (Hindu Shrine),  OR to the Great Mosque of Kota Gedhe  (Moslem Shrine)

Keynote Speaker: Mr. DIDIERS POLLEFEYT (Catholic University Leuven)

How do we educate as inclusive but distinctly Catholic schools in an increasingly secular and multicultural/religious world? How do we educate for faith in such a world?

July 4 (Friday)

“Educating for Global Citizenship”

Keynote Speaker: Dr. FERNANDO REIMERS EdD (Harvard Graduate School of Education)

How can we prepare ourselves and our students to become authentic global citizens? What does it mean to be a global citizen, and what does it entail?

Panel Discussion of Jesuit Alumni and Alumnae: In what way can we make our schools respond better to the needs of the young and the world today?

Regional Action Planning

Closing Dinner at PRAMBANAN


July 5 (Saturday)

Optional Tour of BOROBUDUR

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